November 29, 2024

The Black Rasslin' Podcast
is joined by the squad over at Lip Gloss & Ladders (along with our esteemed host Stat Guy Greg) for a special Thanksgiving showdown, featuring both podcasts facing off in Survivor Series: War Games predictions (and Survivor Series trivia!) before getting into a conversation about how everyone is celebrating Thanksgiving, all kinds of Baltimore, and much more!

You know the routine: you can stream and download this week's episode via SoundCloud, and subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify! We stream live every Thursday at 8:35PM ET on YouTube. We also encourage you to become a member of the BRPatreon, where you can get even MORE exclusive content (and merch discounts)! We'll catch you next week; tell a friend to tell their homies to LIKE, rate, comment, subscribe, and share!

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